Why are auto insurance rates going up?
最近一切似乎都变得越来越贵了,汽车pp王者电子官网也不例外. According to Forbes Advisor从2022年7月到2023年7月,美国汽车pp王者电子官网成本上涨了17%以上. 以下是汽车pp王者电子官网费率上升的一些原因, 以及你能做些什么来帮助管理你的汽车pp王者电子官网费增加.
Some reasons for an auto insurance rate increase
During the global pandemic that started in 2020, 联邦和地方政府实施了原地避难和保持社交距离的指导方针. We then saw fewer accidents and less expensive losses, due to less cars on the road, 学校是虚拟的,许多公司允许员工在家工作.
但现在, a few years after the pandemic, roads are busy again, 许多人开始在办公室工作,学校也恢复了面对面的学习. This has resulted in an increase of car accidents 还有伤害,这导致了汽车pp王者电子官网费率的上升.
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通货膨胀 在美国.S. 是3点.4% in 2023. Even though it was not as high as the previous 2 years, 与过去15年相比,这是历史上最高的. 这种经济趋势影响了许多商品的价格,包括杂货、汽油、住房和汽车. 而且因为汽车(无论是新车还是二手车)现在都更贵了, repair and replace, it ends up affecting insurance rates.
Rising car repair costs
供应链中断和劳工问题从大流行期间开始一直持续到今天, have impacted 车辆 repair costs. 这包括修理发生事故的汽车所需的时间更长. As a result, 如果pg电子官方网页版在等待汽车维修的过程中使用租赁汽车的时间更长,则会产生额外的费用.
Additionally, new technology, such as parking sensors, lane-departure warnings以及更好的电池技术,都增加了维修成本. 而那些更智能的传感器和更强大的设备可以帮助提高安全性, they are also more expensive to repair.
Electric 车辆s
The ownership and use of hybrid and electric 车辆s 在美国.S. has become more popular in the last few years, with 16.3% of sales in 2023 compared to 12.9% of sales in 2022. 电动汽车通过减少气体排放来保护环境, but they are more expensive to acquire, repair and replace, 哪些因素会导致pp王者电子官网费率的上升.
Increased accidents due to distracted driving
According to a 状态 Farm® survey, 67%的司机表示在开车时阅读或发短信 is distracting/very distracting, 超过70%的司机表示观看视频或录制视频(67%)会让他们分心/非常分心. 即使是声控汽车指令也会转移认知能力和注意力. 重新考虑开车时使用手机,避免被他人诱惑 driving distractions. 如果你有孩子,和他们谈谈安全驾驶习惯. NHTSA research 发现青少年在开车时发短信发生事故的可能性是平时的23倍.
Weather catastrophes
美国.S. experienced many weather disasters during 2023, several of them causing at least $1 billion in losses, according to 气候.政府. 我国在2023年遭遇的天气灾难包括 wildfires in Maui, Hawaii加州历史上的洪水和热带气旋. 当 severe weather strikes,它会影响pp王者电子官网业,保费也会受到影响. For example, 状态 Farm paid $12 billion in catastrophic claims during 2023, compared to $7 billion paid in catastrophic claims during 2022.
Ways to help manage a rate increase
A Personal Price Plan™ helps you create an affordable price (just for you).1 Check with your 状态 Farm agent about possible ways to save on your bill.
- Drive Safe & 保存® 通过利用驾驶数据来定制您自己的个人折扣,让您控制您的保费.2
- Take advantage of other applicable discounts, such as Multiple Line Discount, Steer Clear® Safe Driver Discount for drivers under age 25 and the Good Student Discount.
- Your policy choices impact your 溢价. 考虑和你的代理人谈谈,评估一下你目前的免赔额 coverages to see if any changes are needed.